Welcome to the Brighton & Hove Branch of the BCSS

We meet on the last Thursday of every month, except December, at The Parish Centre, South Street, Portslade Village, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 2LE. Free parking is available at the hall

We have a signicant number of Cactus and Succulent books available for sale for the benefit of Branch funds

Each regular meeting is accompanied by a Monthly Table Show. Members are invited to bring along any plant of interest – a great opportunity to share your plants with others and admire those of fellow enthusiasts.

Cacti and Succulent plants and seeds are available for sale at our meetings. The Brighton Branch seed bank currently contians some 120 species of Cacti and Succulents.

We have an extensive library of books and journals on Cacti and Succulents which are available for members to borrow.

Our meetings cover a wide range of topics to appeal to everyone and visitors are always welcome.

Further information is available from our Branch Secretary
Tony Mace, or see our meetings page.

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The Parish Centre
South Street
Portslade Village
East Sussex
BN41 2LE


Last Thursday of the month (unless indicated otherwise)


7.30pm start

For full details go to our meetings page.

For further information on how to find us go to our contact page.

For information on other branches in the Sussex area go to BCSS Zone 12

Charity No 290786 – a charity registered in England and Wales